West Peruvian Screech Owl

Megascops roboratus pacificus

Datum 7 februari 2020
Locatie Jorupe - Ecuador
Fotograaf Henk Hendriks Henk Hendriks
Bekeken 4244 ×


Peter de Rouw  ·  30 december 2020  22:55, gewijzigd 30 december 2020  23:17

Makes sense. Voor wat opnamen van die avond: https://observation.org/waarneming/view/196775815.

Ook te vinden op xeno-canto uiteraard.

Dušan Brinkhuizen  ·  30 maart 2020  17:01

en roboratus = Marañon Screech Owl.

George Sangster  ·  30 maart 2020  13:28

König, C 2000. Owl vocalizations as interspecific differentiation patterns and their taxonomical value as ethological isolating mechanisms between various taxa. In: R.D. Chancellor & B.-U. Meyburg (eds). Raptors at risk: 781-794. Berlin and Blaine.

Citaat (p. 791):

"In the Peruvian Screech Owl (Otus roboratus) two “subspecies” differing very much in size have to be recognized. Their vocalizations are said to be similar (Johnson & Jones 1990), but there are differences, which might suggest specific separation. Like other screech owls, the Peruvian Screech Owl has two different songs: the territorial advertising (A-song) and a courtship, resp. aggressive song (B-song). In the dwarfish lowland form pacificus the A-song shows a distinctly slower sequence of notes in a trill than in roboratus, while in the latter the harmonics (overtones) are much more pronounced. In the B-song of pacificus the notes are accelerated towards the end of the short trill, first rising and finally falling in pitch (Hardy et al. 1989). In roboratus the B-song is longer and consists of equally-spaced “staccato”-notes uttered with a somewhat “undulating” quality in pitch (Figs. 18 and 19). Larger differences may be noted in the calls (see Johnson & Jones 1990!). I therefore cannot support the idea of Johnson & Jones (1990), who treat the taxon pacificus as subspecies of Otus roboratus, which is a relatively large Otus, living in mountainous regions. I suggest to give the dwarfish Pacific taxon from northwestern coastal Perú and western coastal Ecuador species rank, calling it Otus pacificus, the Tumbes Screech Owl."

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