Cabot's Tern

Thalasseus acuflavidus eurygnathus

Datum 2 april 2017
Locatie Aruba nabij Sint Nicolaas Baai
Fotograaf Max Berlijn Max Berlijn
Bekeken 6988 ×


Max Berlijn  ·  21 april 2017  11:07

Nog vergeten: Ook de vorm van de snavels bij Cayenne leek mij minder variabel dan bij Sierlijke.

Garry Bakker  ·  21 april 2017  11:09

Gave plaat Max! Alleen de binnenkant van de bek is oranje, de rest is geel van een tint die niet in de buurt komt van Sierlijke. Onlangs op Cuba (stukje noordelijker) gelet op dit taxon maar daar uitsluitend Cabot's gezien, ondanks dat Cayenne voor daar wel wordt vermeld in verslagen. 

Max Berlijn  ·  21 april 2017  14:37, gewijzigd 21 april 2017  14:39

Max Berlijn  ·  10 juni 2017  17:49

Wednesday 7th June 2017 The highlight of the day was the discovery of an Elegant Tern in Hampshire at Hayling Island. Found at Fishery Creek mid morning roosting on the rising tide but present only until late morning when it flew out of Chichester Harbour. Interestingly the bird was wearing colour-rings that proved it to be an individual previously present on the Atlantic seaboard of France most summers since 2002 and trapped and ringed in a Sandwich Tern colony at the Banc d' Arguin, Gironde on 3rd July 2003. The identity of this bird has been confirmed as Elegant Tern by genetic analysis - as have all the other candidate Elegant Terns in Europe that have been tested - and it's appearance is very similar to that of the first British record present at Dawlish Warren on 18th May 2002 and it seems likely to be the same individual. It has also been seen in the interim staging on migration in southern Spain and then twice in winter in South Africa; at Kromme Estuary in March 2005 and again at Rooi Els River and Buffels Bay on 2nd and 5th March 2017. Although yet to be accepted, there are three other British records: one visiting Norfolk then Devon in 2002, a further (third) individual in 2002 moving from Devon to Gwynedd, and one in Dorset on 10th May 2005. Met dank aan Gerard voor het doorsturen van de tekst.

Roland van der Vliet  ·  13 juni 2017  23:15

Ik heb nog geen referentie gezien naar het ID-stuk van David Schoch, samen met de onvermoeibare Steve Howell, in North American Birds 67(2): 188-209.

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