
Acrocephalus baeticatus  ·  African Reed Warbler

Datum 3 januari 2020
Locatie Algeria
Fotograaf Boulaouad Belkacem Aimene Boulaouad Belkacem Aimene
Bekeken 3505 ×


Max Berlijn  ·  26 januari 2020  22:50, gewijzigd 26 januari 2020  23:31

if your photographe is taken in januari as mentioned, there should be no migrating Eurasian Reed Warblers and this bird would be most likely belong to the race ambiguus which is now, by the latest opinions, included in African Reed Warbler.  Also the wings look short? (good for African). What is the exact location you took the photo, near Jijel?

Boulaouad Belkacem Aimene  ·  26 januari 2020  23:31

Thank you max for your identification ... i took this photo in Bordj Bou Arréridj ( 36°11'43"N 5°08'20"E) . i have another photo plz give me your mail to send it.

All the best

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