Masters of Mystery
Masters of Mystery is back! Jan Bisschop and Roef Mulder bring you a new bird image every two weeks. Guess the species name and email your answer. The best participant after 25 rounds will win a pair of the Swarovski CL Companion 10x30 binoculars!
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Masters of Mystery - oplossing ronde 10 / solution round 10
29 augustus 2016 · Jan Bisschop & Roef Mulder · 5227 × bekeken
De juiste oplossing van ronde 10 is Grote Karekiet. Van de 52 inzendingen waren er 2 juist (= 4%). Verder werden de volgende soorten genoemd: Tuinfluiter (12), Radde‘s Boszanger (8), Rietzanger (7), Bruine Boszanger (7), Bosrietzanger (4), Roodoogvireo (2), Grauwe Fitis (2), Kleine Karekiet (1), Roodkeelnachtegaal (1), Fitis (1), Kroonboszanger (1), Noordse Boszanger (1), Struikrietzanger (1), Snor (1) en Zwartkoprietzanger (1).
Deze juveniele Grote Karekiet werd op 7 augustus 2016 gefotografeerd door Jan Bisschop in het Nuolenerried in Zwitserland.
The correct answer for round 10 is Great Reed Warbler. 2 of the 52 answers were correct (= 4%).
The following species were also mentioned: Garden Warbler (12), Radde’s Warbler (8), Sedge Warbler (7), Dusky Warbler (7), Marsh Warbler (4), Red-eyed Vireo (2), Greenish Warbler (2), Eurasian Reed Warbler (1), Siberian Rubythroat (1), Willow Warbler (1), Eastern Crowned Warbler (1) Arctic Warbler (1), Blyth’s Reed Warbler (1), Savi’s Warbler (1), and Moustached Warbler (1).
This picture of a juvenile Great Reed Warbler was taken on August 7, 2016 by Jan Bisschop at Nuolenerried, Switzerland.
Judging from the large variety of species suggested, and the very few correct answers, the identification of the mystery bird in round 10 is extremely difficult. It seems to suggest that certain members of the Sylvia, Acrocephalus, and Phylloscopus genera are hard to distinguish when just the underparts of the bird are visible. All the above-mentioned species have some features that are shown by the mystery bird. It is not clear if this mystery bird can be conclusively identified from the picture provided. Perhaps a combination of various features, including strong legs and bills, long primary projection, head pattern, size ‘jizz’ and habitat, could have pointed towards Great Reed Warbler rather than to other species.
This mystery bird was correctly identified by Raf Drijvers (B) and Diederik Kok (NL).
Ranking Masters-of-Mystery after 10 rounds (only for those with 4 or more correct answers)
name, correct answers:
Sietse Bernardus 9
Diederik Kok 9
Davy Bosman 8
Andrew Holden 8
Chris Batty 8
Dusan Brinkhuizen 8
Fedde Welbedacht 8
Geir Mobakken 8
Hein Prinsen 8
Lazar Brinkhuizen 8
Nils van Duivendijk 8
Pim Edelaar 8
Rutger Wilschut 8
Stuart Piner 8
Willem Wind 8
Raf Drijvers 8
Jos Welbedacht 7
Arthur Geilvoet 7
Bram Vogels 7
Marijn Prins 7
Marinus Dieleman 7
Bas Verhoeven 7
Bas van den Boogaard 7
Bas van Gennip 7
Charles Martens 7
Jan Baert 7
Joris Elst 7
Maurits Martens 7
Bram Ubels 6
Edwin Russer 6
Frank van Duivenvoorde 6
George Tanis 6
Lonnie Bregman 6
Paavo Sallinen 6
William de Jong 6
Harry Hussey 6
Julien Mazenauer 6
Mark Edgeller 6
Mark Gal 6
Rob van Bemmelen 6
Ruben Vernieuwe 6
Joost Mertens 6
Alwin van Lubeck 6
Pieter van Veelen 6
Axel Müller 5
Diedert Koppenol 5
Leo Stegeman 5
Nico Hopman 5
Rik Winters 5
Thijs Fijen 5
Vincent van der Spek 5
Marcel Klootwijk 5
Seamus Enright 5
Dick Groenendijk 4
Erik Kleyheeg 4
Frank van der Meer 4
Rient Niks 4
Sam Gobin 4